1.       Spend time with right people and maintain positive outlook from your mistakes.
2.      Avoid the trap of trying to make things perfect and work outside of their comfort zone.
3.      Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small pieces.
4.      A goal must be grounded and bounded within time limit.
5.      Teach students like you teach your child.


Discipline is the required action by a teacher toward a student (or group of students), after the student’s behavior disrupts the ongoing educational activity or breaks a preestablished rule created by the teacher, the school administration or the general society. Discipline, guiding children's behavior, or setting limits are all concerned with helping children learn how to take care of themselves, other people, and the world around them.
Why do children misbehave?
1.      Children misbehave because they are children. They lack adult perspective and respond emotionally or impulsively to situations.
2.      They misbehave to get attention, to test authority, to fit an image.
3.      They misbehave because they lack knowledge and experience, they feel rejected or upset, they feel unloved, or they feel bored or unchallenged.
Rules and Consequences.

No one model can work successfully for all children at all times, nor will the same model always succeed for the same
child as he experiences and exhibits different kinds of misbehaviors.